National TV Appearances

The Steve Harvey Show – May 29, 2013, ABC.
“Julie from the The Steve Harvey Show in Chicago called me in California: ‘We’re looking for a national expert on teen girls and it looks like that’s you, Dr. Lucie. You would be our guest psychologist and interact with teen girls and their mothers.’ Can you fly to NBC in Chicago tomorrow to tape a segment on an upcoming show entitled ‘Is Fourteen is the New Eighteen?’? Needless to say, I flew!”
To see promos and clips from the show:
Click here to view the after-show
Watch the episode on YouTube
Additional Footage
Maureen Langan Show on KGO
In her San Francisco interview, Dr. Lucie was asked to comment on a tragic story that sparked national attention when a teen girl committed suicide following an alleged sexual attack, images of which were then shared electronically.
Click Here to Listen to the Program
Michelle Skeen: Relationships 2.0
Lucie Hemmen, Ph.D. sits down with fellow New Harbinger author and mother of a teen girl, Michelle Skeen on her radio show: Relationships 2.0.
Seventeen Magazine, April 2015
’9 Signs You’re WAY Too Stressed Out’
Article by Kim Tranell
Click here to read the article featuring Dr. Lucie Hemmen
Real Simple Magazine
February 2014
’Courting Anxiety’, pages 90-95, Family Section, interview by Caitlin Moscatello.
August 2017
‘How to Help Your Daughter Deal with Rude Body Comments’
By Marisa Cohen
How a rich and varied identity can build resilience against body shaming.
Click here for the full article featuring Dr. Lucie Hemmen
San Jose Mercury News
‘Seven things NOT to say to your teens (and why)’
By Martha Ross
Hemmen joins other professionals in sharing tips to help parents improve communication with their teens.
Click here for the full article featuring Dr. Lucie Hemmen
Five easy ways to stop the spread of thigh gap obsession’
By Jessica Yadegaran
“Dr. Lucie Hemmen is determined to push back against the thigh gap trend currently spreading across social media. Hemmen, a Santa Cruz clinical psychologist, is the author of ‘Parenting a Teen Girl: A Crash Course on Conflict, Communication, and Connection with Your Teen Daughter’ and works extensively with teenage girls on body image and self-esteem.
Click here for the full interview with Dr. Lucie
Thigh gap: What’s behind a dangerous teen body image obsession?
By Jessica Yadegaran
“If you can stand straight with your knees together and see a space between your upper thighs, you have what thousands of teen girls are willing to starve themselves for.
“The thigh gap, as it is known, is a small, hollow cavity with a huge following on social media. You can follow supermodel Cara Delevingne’s thigh gap on Twitter or peruse thousands of thigh gaps on Tumblr with images of ultrathin women in bikinis, hiked up skirts, and lingerie, all baring thighs so thin they don’t touch. The photos, shared by young women, come with captions like, “Three more inches to go” and “All I want in life is a thigh gap.”
Click here for the full interview with Dr. Lucie
5 things NOT to say to your kids (and why)
By Jessica Yadegaran, August 2014
“Parents say things all the time to bolster their kid’s ego, avoid tantrums or keep everyone on schedule. There’s nothing wrong with that — or is there?”
Click here for the full article, featuring contribution from Dr. Lucie
New Harbinger Publications
In a new video series produced by New Harbinger Publications, Dr. Lucie Hemmen and her daughter, Marley, discuss five topics affecting teen girls and their parents. Click on the links below to view each video on the New Harbinger YouTube Channel.
Parenting a Teen Girl and Chores
Parenting a Teen Girl and Communication
Parenting a Teen Girl and Curfews
Parenting a Teen Girl and Drugs and Alcohol
Parenting a Teen Girl and Clothing and Body Image
Digital Press
Psychology Today
Teen Girls: A Crash Course
On Dr. Lucie’s blog, she addresses common and timely topics on where she is listed as an expert on teen girls. Popular posts include articles on stressed out girls, cutting, cell phone problems, how to talk to teens, body image, achievement stress, cutting, teen age depression, and cultivating happiness.
Click here to visit her blog: Teen Girls: A Crash Course
Hello Giggles
‘What to do if someone shares your sext with their friends, because we know it can be awful’
“While there is no way to handle it that takes the pain away, there are reactions that can make things worse.”
Click here to read the entire article.
‘Why I don’t want my daughters to see ‘Fifty Shades’
By Ronni Berke, CNN
Dr. Hemmen is interviewed to answer the question “Do I really want my daughters seeing a warped, sadomasochistic relationship, dressed up as a Hollywood love fantasy?” and explore the idea of how high-gloss Hollywood displays of sexuality effect young girls.
Click here to read the entire article:
Additional Features:
Choices by Scholastic – ‘Hurt. Humiliated. Hazed’ by Annemarie Conte
Choices by Scholastic – ‘How to Be a Good Friend’ by Andrea Bartz
Good Times Weekly
San Jose Mercury News – Five Ways to Create Positive Body Image in Young Girls
San Jose Mercury News – Little Girls in Bikinis: Inappropriate or Much Ado About Nothing
Inside Bay Area – Are Selfies Good or Bad for Our Self Esteem?
San Jose Mercury News – 5 things NOT to say to your kids (and why)
Choices by Scholastic – ‘Friendfluence’ by Kim Tranell