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Course: Parenting An Anxious Teen

Welcome to Dr. Lucie’s Latest Course:

Parenting an Anxious Teen.

Anxiety is the #1 reason teens come to therapy. As a psychologist specializing in teens for the past 25 years, I’ve seen the dramatic rise in mental health issues and calls from stressed parents who need support. Unfortunately, there is a shortage of mental health professionals who work with teens. This problematic disparity is my motivation for creating my first online course: Parenting an Anxious Teen.

I teamed up with my 23-year-old daughter Daisy to create a fast and friendly curriculum to support parents in the many challenges they face parenting a teen with anxiety. Combining education with actionable skills, you will learn: 

  • More about what’s going on to create the sharp rise in teen anxiety
  • Ways to position yourself as a useful and informed support and ally, so your teen identifies you as a resource
  • What emotional regulation and emotional co-regulation are, and how you can be the best co-regulator possible
  • How to use the “Reframe” technique to change the way you and your teen regard and respond to anxiety – which leads to a “rewiring” of the anxiety response  
  • How to work with a teen’s avoidance response, because avoidance – while understandable – becomes a problematic coping response that actually makes anxiety worse
  • How to use grounding techniques that activate a calming state in the nervous system, to soothe anxiety and rewire the anxious brain  
  • How to be the guardian of your teen’s healthy academic mindset, because academic stress is a leading cause of anxiety among teens

Because integrating and modeling information is the best way to teach it, parents will find themselves feeling calmer too!